Please find a list of some of our plants below:

Adiantum Pedatum
American Maidenhair Fern
Height: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Spread: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Soil: Moist, humus rich soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Border.
General Information: Native; Deciduous; Deer resistant.

Adiantum Venustum
Himalayan Maidenhair Fern
Height: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Spread: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Soil: Moist, humus rich soil.
Exposure: Full to partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Border, Ground cover, foliage for bouquets
General Information: Attracts Butterflies, Deer and rabbit resistant.

Antennaria Dioica 'Rubra'
Height: 5-15 cm (2-6")
Spread: 20-25 cm (8-10")
Soil: Dry, sandy soil or clay.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Wine colored flowers in late spring and early summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine and rock gardens; Groundcover; Between paving stones.
General Information: Soft, silvery-grey foliage; Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Evergreen; Native to North America.

Aquilegia Canadensis
Little Lanterns
Height: 25 cm (10")
Spread: 25 cm (10")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil types.
Exposure: full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Brilliant red with yellow corolla, 2nd year flowering. April - June
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, slopes. woodland garden. Attracts butterflies, bumblebees, and hummingbirds.
General Information: Deer and rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant. Will self sow.

Arabis Caucasica 'Compinkie'
Rock Cress
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Dry, well drained.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: Intense pink.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3 - zone 7 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, Attracts butterflies, bumblebees, and hummingbirds.
General Information: Honey bee plant food. Evergreen foilage.

Arabis Ferdinandi-coburgi 'Variegata'
Alpine Wall Cress
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 20-30 cm (8-12")
Soil: Well-drained garden soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: White flowers with pink under-tones appearing late spring to summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Along borders; Rock Gardens; Edging.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi
Kinnikinnick / Bearberry
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 90 cm (36")
Soil: Acidic, well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Pink flowers in the spring.
Berries: red berries in fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-6 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Naturalizing; Planters.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Arenaria Balearica
Corsican Sandwort
Height: 1.5 cm (1/2")
Spread: 30-45 cm (12-18")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Star-shaped white flowers appear in late spring to early summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Between paving stones; Rockery plant.
General Information: Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Armeria Maritima
Sea Pink
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Rose-pink flower heads.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens or front border.
General Information: Evergreen; Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Native.

Armeria Maritima 'Alba'
Minstick White
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Pure White
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens or front border ground cover, mass plantings, dried flower
General Information: Evergreen; Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; beneficial for bees

Armeria Maritima 'Rubrifolia'
Red-leaved Thrift
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Rose-pink flower heads.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens or front border.
General Information: Evergreen; Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Native.

Artemisia Stelleriana
Mori's Strain, Boughton Silver
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 45-60cm (18-24")
Soil: Dry, well drained.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: none
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4 - zone 7 (hardy to -35°C or -31°F)
Suggested Uses: Borders, Rock garden, ground hugging carpet, loves dry hot conditions,
General Information: Deer and Rabbit resistant, coastal plant

Asarum Caudatum 'Wild Ginger'
BC Wild Ginger, Western WIld Ginger
Height: 12-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 30-45cm (12-18")
Soil: Moist, Sandy or clay
Exposure: Full to partial shade
Flowers: chocolate brown
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4 - zone 7 (hardy to -35°C or -31°F)
Suggested Uses: Ground cover, woodland garden, mass planting
General Information: Deer and Rabbit resistant, drought tolerant

Athyrium Niponicum var. Pictum 'Japanese Painted Fern'
Height: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Spread: 30-45 cm (12-18")
Soil: Evenly moist soil.
Exposure: Full to partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Shady edges; Rock garden; Containers.
General Information: Deciduous; Purple-red stalks; Dark green fronds with olive and silver highlights; Deer and rabbit resistant.

Aubrieta x Cultorum 'Cascade Purple'
Rock Cress
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 40-60cm (18-24")
Soil: Dry, well drained.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: deep purple
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3- zone 8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Honeybee plant food, rock garden, groundcover
General Information: low growing, mounding habit, colorful spring groundcover

Aubrieta x Cultorum 'Cascade Blue'
Rock Cress
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 40-60cm (18-24")
Soil: Dry, well drained.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: deep blue
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3- zone 8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Honeybee plant food, rock garden, groundcover
General Information: low growing, mounding habit, colorful spring groundcover

Aubrieta x Cultorum 'Cascade Red'
Rock Cress
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 40-60cm (18-24")
Soil: Dry, well drained.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: Carmine Red
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Honeybee plant food, rock garden, groundcover
General Information: low growing, colorful spring groundcover

Azorella Trifurcata 'Nana'
Cushion Bolax
Height: 2-4 cm (1-2")
Spread: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Soil: Dry sandy soil.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Occasionally produces umbels with tiny, greenish yellow flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine or rock garden; Edges. Ground cover
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Bellis Perennis 'Rominette Pink'
Common or English Daisy
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 15 cm (6")
Soil: Well drained soil
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Flowers: Pink with yellow eye, flowers February to June
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-7 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, flowering pot plant, borders, walkways
General Information: Plant over spent bulbs in the spring

Blechnum spicant 'Deer Fern'
Deer Fern
Height: 20-50 cm (8-20")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Moist, humus-rich, acidic soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Accent plant; Potted plant; Naturalizing; Rock garden.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant once established; Native; Evergreen.

Calluna Vulgaris
Height: usually under 60 cm (24")
Spread: usually around 60 cm (24")
Soil: acidic, good drainage
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: Comes in many colors
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-10 (hardy to -30°C or -22°F)
Suggested Uses: Borders; open areas, hillsides, mass plantings
General Information: Evergreen,

Ceanothus Gloriosus
Point Reyes Creeper
Height: 45 cm (18")
Spread: 3 m (10')
Soil: Porous soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Blue flowers in spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-9 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings.
General Information: Ideal for coastal conditions; Low growing; Fast spreading; Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Cerastium Tomentosum
Snow in Summer
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: Indefinite,
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Star-shaped white flowers in late spring and summer, abundant flowering
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Useful for poor soil on dry, sunny banks; Front borders; Walls; Rock gardens.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Cornus Canadensis
Dwarf Cornel / Bunchberry / Creeping Dogwood
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: 30-35 cm (12-14")
Soil: Humus-rich, moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Showy dogwood flowers in spring.
Berries: Red berries from summer to fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Naturalizing.
General Information: Native; Woodland plant; Attracts birds; Deer resistant.

Cotoneaster Dammeri
Bearberry Cotoneaster
Height: 30 cm (12")
Spread: 90-150 cm (3-5 ft)
Soil: Tolerant of most soil conditions.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Fragrant white blossoms in summer.
Berries: Red berries in fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Slope retention; Ideal for planters.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Cyclamen Coum
Hardy Winter Cyclamen
Height: 5-20 cm (2-8")
Spread: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Soil: Well-drained.
Exposure: Partial to full shade.
Flowers: Pink or white compact flowers from late autumn to mid spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine and rock gardens.
General Information: Deep green foliage with silver highlights; Self-seeding; Fragrant; Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant.

Cyclamen Hederifolium
Baby Cyclamen / Hardy Fall Cyclamen
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Soil: All soil types.
Exposure: Full sun or partial shade.
Flowers: Pink or white flowers from early autumn to early winter.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine and rock gardens.
General Information: Grey-green foliage with purple marks; Self-seeding; Fragrant; Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant.

Daboecia Cantabrica - assorted varieties
Irish Heath
Height: between 30-50cm (12-20")
Spread: between 30-60cm (12-24")
Soil: acidic, well drained
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade, flowers better in full sun
Flowers: Many colors available
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -30°C or -22°F)
Suggested Uses: slopes, borders, low maintenance beds
General Information: Evergreen. largest flowers of all heathers, drought resistant

Delosperma Sutherlandii
Hardy Ice Plant
Height: 6-10 cm (3-4")
Spread: 45-60 cm (18-24")
Soil: well drained, dry soil, needs little moisture once established
Exposure: Sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Dark rosy-red with yellow center
Cold Hardiness: 6-9 (hardy to -24°C or -11°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, poolside, groundcover, erosion control
General Information: Largest flowers of any ice plant, heat, drought and salt tolerant

Delosperma Sutherlandii 'Peach Star'
Hardy Ice Plant
Height: 6-10 cm (3-4")
Spread: 45-60 cm (18-24")
Soil: well drained, dry soil, needs little moisture once established
Exposure: Sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Brilliant pink/peach with light yellow eye
Cold Hardiness: 6-9 (hardy to -24°C or -11°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, poolside, groundcover, erosion control
General Information: heat, drought and salt tolerant, succulent foliage

Delosperma Floribundum 'Starburst'
Hardy Ice Plant
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 30-45cm (12-18")
Soil: well drained, dry to medium soil
Exposure: Sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Lilac purple with white eye
Cold Hardiness: 6-9 (hardy to -24°C or -11°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, groundcover, erosion control
General Information: heat, drought and salt tolerant

Delosperma Cooperi 'Table Mountain'
Hardy Ice Plant
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 30-45cm (12-18")
Soil: well drained, dry to medium soil, let dry out between waterings
Exposure: Sun to part shade
Flowers: Purple
Cold Hardiness: 6-9 (hardy to -24°C or -11°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, groundcover, erosion control
General Information: heat, drought and salt tolerant

Dianthus Deltoides 'Albus'
Confetti White
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: moderately moist to dry
Exposure: Sun
Flowers: White
Cold Hardiness: 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, borders, flowering pot plant
General Information:

Dianthus Deltoides 'Arctic Fire'
Maiden Pink
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 25 cm (10")
Soil: moderately moist to dry
Exposure: Sun
Flowers: White with a red eye
Cold Hardiness: 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, borders, flowering pot plant
General Information:

Dianthus Deltoides 'Brilliant'
Confetti Cherry Red
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: moderatley dry, well drained
Exposure: Sun
Flowers: Bright Red
Cold Hardiness: 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, borders, flowering pot plant
General Information:

Dianthus Deltoides 'Flashing Light'
Confetti Deep Red
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: moderatley moist to dry
Exposure: Sun
Flowers: red/scarlet
Cold Hardiness: 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, borders, flowering pot plant
General Information:

Dianthus Deltoides 'Roseus'
Confetti Carmine Pink, Maiden Pink
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: moderatley moist to dry
Exposure: Sun
Flowers: Fushcia
Cold Hardiness: 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, borders, flowering pot plant
General Information:

Dryopteris erythrosora
Autumn Fern
Height: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Spread: 45-60 cm (18-24")
Soil: Moist soil.
Exposure: Partial to full shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 6-9 (hardy to -23°C or -10°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting in moist woodland areas.
General Information: Evergreen in mild winter regions. Deer and rabbit resistant.

Erica Cinerea - assorted varieties
Bell Heather
Height: up to 15-45cm (6-18")
Spread: up to 60cm (24")
Soil: acidic, neutral, sandy
Exposure: Full sun, some protection from dry winds
Flowers: many colors available
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -20°C or -4°F)
Suggested Uses: slopes, borders, mass plantings, rock gardens, coastal gardens
General Information: Evergreen. deer resistant, bee polinated, drought tolerant once established

Erica x Darleyensis - Assorted
Darley Heath, Winter Heath
Height: up to 30-60cm (12-24")
Spread: up to 60-90 cm (24-36")
Soil: survives in most soils or poor growing conditions, needs good drainage
Exposure: Full sun to partial sun
Flowers: many colors available, winter flowering
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -20°C or -4°F)
Suggested Uses: slopes, borders, mass plantings, rock gardens, coastal gardens
General Information: Evergreen. attracts birds and bees, deer resistant

Erigeron Glaucus 'Sea Breeze'
Seaside Daisy
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 25-30 cm (10-12")
Soil: Average
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Pink/Violet daisy like flowers with a yellow eye
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Ground cover; Containers. Rock garden
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Attracts butterflies; Evergreen.

Erigeron Karvinskianus 'Profusion'
Mexican Daisy
Height: 20-30 cm (8-12")
Spread: 50 cm (20")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun to part shade.
Flowers: Tiny white daisies that change from white to pink.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-7 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Borders; Rock gardens; Baskets.
General Information: Self seeding; Drought tolerant; Deer resistant.

Erodium × variabile 'Bishop's Form'
Dwarf Heronsbill
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Bright pink flowers from spring to fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-9 (hardy to -18°C or to 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens; Borders.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Erodium chamaedryoides 'Alba'
Height: 5-8 cm (2-3")
Spread: 15 cm (6")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Abundant white flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 8-9 (hardy to -12°C or -10°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens.
General Information: Good small scale ground cover.

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald Gaiety'
Japanese Euonymus
Height: 60 cm (24")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Average garden soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Abundant white flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Add colour to garden.
General Information: Takes on pinkish tones in sun; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Euonymus fortunei 'Emerald 'n Gold'
Japanese Euonymus
Height: 60 cm (24")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Average garden soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Add colour to garden.
General Information: Takes on pinkish tones in sun; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Fragaria Chiloensis
Beach Strawberry
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Prefers acidic soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: White flowers in spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Naturalizing.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Native; Coastal plant; Evergreen.

Fragari Vesca var. Vesca
Woodland Strawberry
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 45-60 cm (15-24")
Soil: dry well drained
Exposure: Partial Shade
Flowers: White flowers and red strawberries
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Naturalizing.
General Information: decorative and edible fruit, medicinal plant, tea herb, drought tolerant

Galium odoratum
Sweet Woodruff
Height: 30 cm (12")
Spread: 75-90 cm (30-36")
Soil: Humus-rich, average garden soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Tiny white flowers in clusters.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass Plantings.
General Information: Leaves are fragrant when dried; Deer resistant.

Gaultheria procumbens
Wintergreen / Checkerberry
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Acidic, peaty soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: White flowers in late spring and summer.
Berries: Bright red berries in fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Very ornamental; Add winter colour.
General Information: Wintergreen flavouring extracted from foliage in past; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Gaultheria shallon
Height: On average, 30-60 cm (12-24")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Average to poor soils.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: White to pinkish flowers in spring.
Berries: Purple berries in the fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 6-9 (hardy to -23°C or -10°F)
Suggested Uses: Naturalizing; Add floral greens to garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Native; Coastal plant; Evergreen.

Hedera canariensis 'Variegata'
Algerian Ivy
Height: 30 cm (12") as a groundcover.
Spread: 75-90 cm (30-36")
Soil: Rich, moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-10 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Ideal for larger planters; Cascade down retaining walls or undesirable views.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Somewhat drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera colchica 'Dentata Variegata'
Persian Ivy
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8") as a groundcover.
Spread: 75-90 cm (30-36")
Soil: Rich, moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-10 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Ideal for larger planters; Cascade down retaining walls or undesirable views.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Somewhat drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Glacier'
English Ivy
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Rich, moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-10 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Add colour to garden; Mass planting.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Gold Child'
Gold Child English Ivy
Height: 12-15 cm (5-6") as a groundcover.
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Rich, moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-10 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Planter.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Hahn's Self Branching'
English Ivy
Height: 15-18 cm (6-7") as a groundcover.
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Average, well-drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-10 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Cascade over a retaining wall.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Fast spreading and self-branching; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Needlepoint'
Needlepoint English Ivy
Height: 15-18 cm (6-7") as a groundcover.
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Tolerant of poor soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-10 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Planters; Cascade over a retaining wall.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Fast spreading; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Springfield'
Height: 15-18 cm (6-7") as a groundcover.
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil conditions.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-10 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Planters; Mass planting.
General Information: Creeper and climber; Attractive vein pattern; Self-branching; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hedera helix 'Thorndale'
Thorndale Ivy
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Soil: Moist soil conditions.
Exposure: Full sun to full shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Cascade over retaining wall.
General Information: Bronzy-red in winter; Drought tolerant.

Herniaria glabra
Height: 2-4 cm (1-1.5")
Spread: 30-40 cm (12-16")
Soil: General garden soil with extra humus.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Insignificant.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens; Between patio stones.
General Information: Very dense, low growing evergreen; Prostrate herb; Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Herniaria glabra 'Sea Foam' (Striped Rupturewort)
Striped Rupturewort
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: 30-35 cm (12-14")
Soil: General garden soil well drained
Exposure: Part sun to full shade.
Flowers: Insignificant.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens; Between patio stones.
General Information: Very dense, low growing evergreen; Prostrate herb; Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Hypericum calycinum
St. John's Wort / Aaron's Beard / Rose of Sharon
Height: 30 cm (12")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Attractive yellow flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Add summer colour to garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Prune hard to the ground in winter to encourage new spring growth.

Hypericum Cerastoides
Trailing St. John's Wort
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 40 cm (16")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Attractive yellow flowers, with hairy gray green leaves with an aromatic smell
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Ground cover, hanging, trailing, or weeping habit, rock garden
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Cut back to 6" in winter to encourage new spring growth.

Iberis Aurosica 'Sweetheart'
Pink Candytuft
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Dry or Sandy, Well drained
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Flowers: Pink changing to Lilac
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -25°C or -13°F)
Suggested Uses: Ground cover, rock garden
General Information: Attracts birds, beneficial for bees, evergreen

Iberis Sempervirens 'Snow Cushion'
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Soil: Average or Sandy
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Flowers: Snow white
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -37°C or -34°F)
Suggested Uses: Ground cover, alpine, rock garden, borders, containers
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen

Leptinella gruveri
Miniature Brass Buttons / Dwarf New Zealand Brass Buttons
Height: 1-2 cm (1")
Spread: 20-30 cm (8-12")
Soil: Moist soil.
Exposure: Partial to full shade.
Flowers: Small green flowers in early to mid summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-10 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Lawn substitute; Between paving stones; Alpine and rock gardens.
General Information: Semi-evergreen depending on climate; Goes dormant in droughts.

Leptinella Squalida
Green Brass Buttons
Height: 5-6 cm (2")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Small brass buttons in the summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Good companion for bulbs; Between paving stones.
General Information: Evergreen.

Leptinella squalida 'Platt's Black'
Brass Buttons
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Moderately fertile, sharply-drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Black button-like flower heads.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Paving crevices; Gravel gardens.
General Information: Evergreen.

Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward'
Blue Lithospermum
Height: 24 cm (10")
Spread: 50 cm (20")
Soil: Prefers low pH (acidic) soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Brilliant blue flowers May to September.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Excellent in a planter.
General Information: Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Muehlenbeckia complexa
Maidenhair Vine
Height: Climb to 3 m (10') or 10-15 cm (4-6") as a groundcover.
Spread: 90 cm (36")
Soil: Moist but well-drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Greenish white flowers in summer.
Berries: Fleshy white fruit follows flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 8-10 (hardy to -12°C or 10°F)
Suggested Uses: Border; Clothing an arch, pergola, or trellis.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Evergreen.

Oxalis oregana
Oregon Wood Sorrel / Redwood Sorrel
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: Indefinite.
Soil: Moist and fertile.
Exposure: Full or partial shade.
Flowers: Solitary, cup-shaped, rose-pink or white flowers from spring to autumn.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-10 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, raised bed, or trough.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant in coastal areas; Pacific Northwest native.

Pachysandra terminalis
Japanese Spurge
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 15-30 cm (6-12")
Soil: All soil types.
Exposure: Full to partial shade.
Flowers: White flowers in mid to late spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Ground cover; Edges.
General Information: Deer resistant; Somewhat drought tolerant; Spread by runners under the surface; Evergreen.

Pachysandra terminalis 'Silver Edge'
Variegated Japanese Spurge
Height: 15-20 cm (6-8")
Spread: 15-30 cm (6-12")
Soil: All soil types.
Exposure: Full to partial shade.
Flowers: White flowers in mid to late spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Accents; Mass planting; Ground cover; Edges.
General Information: Deer resistant; Somewhat drought tolerant; Spread by runners under the surface; Evergreen.

Papaver Miyabeanum 'Pacino'
Moondance, Japenese Poppy
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 15-30 cm (6-12")
Soil: All soil types, well drained
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Sulphur yelleow flowers all summer
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -45°C or -49°F)
Suggested Uses: Borders, Containers, Alpine or rock garden
General Information: Attracts bees, evergreen foliage

Physalis Alkekengi var.Franchetti 'Zwerg'
Dwarf Chinese Lantern
Height: 20 cm (8")
Spread: 20-25 cm (8-10")
Soil: Neutral soil with good drainage
Exposure: Full to partial shade.
Flowers: Papery orange lanterns
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Ground cover, rock garden, container plant
General Information: Great dried plant, nice in bouquets

Polystichum munitum 'Western Sword Fern'
Height: 90 cm (36")
Spread: 1.2 m (4')
Soil: Fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Border.
General Information: Native to the Pacific Northwest; Deer resistant; Drought tolerant once established; Evergreen.

Pratia pedunculata
Blue Star Creeper
Height: 6 cm (2")
Spread: 40 cm (16")
Soil: Prefers moist to average drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Small light blue flowers all summer long.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Patio planters; Walkways; Border plant.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Fast spreading; Consistent bloomer; Evergreen.

Pratia pedunculata 'County Park'
Kelsey Blue / Dark Blue Star Creeper
Height: 6 cm (2")
Spread: 40 cm (16")
Soil: Prefers moist to average drained soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Small solid blue flowers all summer long.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Patio planters; Walkways; Border plant.
General Information: Fast spreading; Consistent bloomer; Evergreen.

Rubus pentalobus 'Emerald Carpet'
Creeping Raspberry
Height: 3-7 cm (1-3")
Spread: 90-150 cm (3-5')
Soil: Prefers well-drained average soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-9 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Ramble over rock walls; Spill out of containers.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Sagina subulata
Irish Moss
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: 35 cm (14")
Soil: Well-drained, but average soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Tiny, fragrant, abundant white flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: B/w paving stones; Small gardens or patios; Planters.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Will tolerate foot traffic; Evergreen.

Sagina subulata 'Aurea'
Scotch Moss
Height: 6 cm (2")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Plant in well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Tiny, intensely fragrant, white flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Between paving stones.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Heat brings out fragrance in flowers; Evergreen.

Saxifraga x Arendsii 'Blutenteppich'
Floral Carpet
Height: 20cm (8")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Plant in well-drained soil.
Exposure: Sun to partial shade
Flowers: bright pink and salmon
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-8 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden, mass plantings, borders, containers
General Information:

Scleranthus Uniflorus
Knawel Cushion / New Zealand Moss
Height: 2-5 cm (1-2")
Spread: 25-30 cm (10-12")
Soil: Well-drained, dry sandy soil or gravel.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Insignificant green-white flowers from early spring until frost.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-10 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine or rock gardens; Ground cover; Edges.
General Information: Deer resistant; Drought tolerant; Dense cushion of lime green leaves; Evergreen.

Sedum Acre 'Aureum'
Golden Stonecrop
Height: 8 cm (3")
Spread: 30-45 cm (12-18")
Soil: Average to dry soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Bright golden-yellow flowers in spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Edging; Rock garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Sedum Cauticola 'Lidakense'
Blue and Plum Stonecrop
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 20-30 cm (8-12")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil conditions.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Smoky-pink star-shaped flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Alpine and rock gardens; Edges.
General Information: Blue leaves with plum edges and tints; Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant; Attracts butterflies.

Sedum Cyaneum
Blue Stonecrop
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 40 cm (16")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil types.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Rose hue flowers in summer/fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4 (hardy to 34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Containers; Rock gardens; Borders; Groundcover.
General Information: Drought tolerant.

Sedum Kamtschaticum 'Weihenstephaner Gold'
Orange Stonecrop
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 25-60 cm (10-24")
Soil: All soil types.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Bright yellow flowers from summer to mid fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Accent; Edges; Alpine or rock gardens.
General Information: Deciduous; Fast grower; Attracts butterflies; Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant.

Sedum Oreganum
Oregon Stonecrop
Height: 12 cm (5")
Spread: 30-45 cm (12-18")
Soil: Normal, sandy, or clay, dry
Exposure: Partial to Full sun.
Flowers: yellow starry flowers
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens, ground cover, green roofs, edging
General Information: Drought tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant, evergreen. attracts butterflies & hummingbirds

Sedum Makinoi 'Ogon'
Golden Japenese Stonecrop
Height: 5-8 cm (2-3")
Spread: Indefinite.
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Yellow blooms in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-9 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens and borders.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Sedum Pachyclados
White Diamond
Height: 2-10 cm (1-3")
Spread: 15 cm (6")
Soil: Average to dry.
Exposure: Sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Silvery pink flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: 3-10 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Good for the rock garden or rock wall.
General Information: Evergreen; Drought tolerant.

Sedum Rupestre 'Angelina'
Angelina Stonecrop
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Yellow star-shaped flowers in mid summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens and borders.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Sedum Reflexum 'Blue Spruce'
Height: 12 cm (5")
Spread: 35-45 cm (15-18")
Soil: Average
Exposure: Partial to Full sun.
Flowers: yellow
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens, borders, erosion control, green roofs
General Information: Drought tolerant, deer and rabbit resistant, evergreen. attracts butterflies

Sedum Spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'
Spoon-leaved Stonecrop
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Well-drained, fertile soil.
Exposure: Full sun, but will tolerate light shade.
Flowers: In the summer bright yellow star-shaped flowers appear on short stems.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -29°C or -20°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Border plant.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Divide every 3-4 years to encourage flowering; Native to the Pacific Northwest.

Sedum Spurium 'John Creech'
John Creech Stonecrop
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 25-30 cm (10-12")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil types.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Mauve-pink star-shaped flowers in mid to late summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Alpine and rock gardens; Edges.
General Information: Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant; Attracts butterflies.

Sedum Spurium 'Fulda Glow'
Blaze of Fulda Stonecrop
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 25-30 cm (10-12")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil types.
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade.
Flowers: Red
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Alpine and rock gardens; Edges.
General Information: Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant; Attracts butterflies.

Sedum Spurium 'Summer Glory'
Two Row Stonecrop
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 15-25 cm (6-10")
Soil: Tolerant of most soil types.
Exposure: Full sun
Flowers: Intense dark pink star like flowers july - late summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9 (hardy to -28°C or -18°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass plantings; Alpine and rock gardens; Green roofs
General Information: Deer and rabbit resistant; Drought tolerant; Attracts butterflies and bees

Sedum Spurium 'Schorbuser Blut'
Dragon's Blood Stonecrop
Height: 10 cm (4")
Spread: 60 cm (24")
Soil: Moist well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Deep pink star-shaped flowers in late summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock garden; Border plant.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen; Leaves become purple-tinted when mature.

Selaginella Kraussiana 'Aurea'
Golden Spikemoss
Height: 2.5 cm (1")
Spread: Indefinite.
Soil: Plant in well-drained soil.
Exposure: Partial shade and/or partial sun.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-11 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Border planting and hanging baskets.
General Information: Evergreen.

Sempervivum - Many varieties
Houseleek / Hens & Chicks
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: 15 cm (6")
Soil: Will tolerate poor, well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Stubby flower spikes in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Rock gardens; Along pathways.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Will adapt well in areas of little or poor soil; Evergreen.

Silene Uniflora 'Druett's Variegated'
Rock Campion
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: White double flowers appear in the summer on stiff upright branches.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Use as a border plant or in a rock garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Semi-evergreen.

Silene Uniflora 'Compacta'
Rock Campion
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 20-30 cm (8-12")
Soil: Will do well in most soil types
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Flowers: Light pink and white
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Border, rock garden, ground cover, accent plant
General Information: Drought tolerant, evergreen,

Soleirolia Soleirolii
Baby's Tears
Height: 6 cm (2")
Spread: 24 cm (10")
Soil: Moist soil.
Exposure: Partial sun and/or partial shade.
Flowers: Pink-tinged white flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 10-11 (hardy to -1°C or 30°F)
Suggested Uses: Plant in crevices; Planters; Border plants.
General Information: Evergreen; Mat-forming.

Soleirolia Soleirolii 'Aurea'
Golden Baby's Tears
Height: 5 cm (2")
Spread: Indefinite.
Soil: All soil types.
Exposure: Partial or light shade.
Flowers: Tiny pink flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 9-11 (hardy to -7°C or 20°F)
Suggested Uses: Containers; Groundcover; Between paving stones; Rockeries; Walls.
General Information: Gold-green leaves; Evergreen unless temperature drops below freezing.

Stachys Densiflora 'Alba'
Lamb's ears
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 30-45 cm (12-18")
Soil: average, well drained
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Flowers: white
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-8 (hardy to -30°C or -22°F)
Suggested Uses: rock garden, mass plantings, dense ground cover
General Information: Drought tolerant, deer resistant

Stachys Byzantina 'Silky Fleece'
Dwarf Lamb's ears
Height: 15-25cm (6-10")
Spread: 25 cm (10")
Soil: average, well drained
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Flowers: lilac to plum with soft silky grey floiage
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-8 (hardy to -30°C or -22°F)
Suggested Uses: rock garden, edging, dense ground cover
General Information: Deer resistant, attractive to bees and butterflies, drought tolerant

Thymus doerfleri 'Bressingham'
Bressingham Thyme
Height: 2.5 cm (1")
Spread: 20 cm (8")
Soil: Average but well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Attractive bright pink flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Add colour to garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Thymus praecox 'Albiflorus'
White Moss Thyme
Height: 3 cm (1")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Moderate soil conditions.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Bright white flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Great along walkways; Paving stones.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Thymus praecox 'Elfin'
Creeping Thyme
Height: 2 cm (1")
Spread: 10 cm (4")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Attractive pink flowers in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Ideal for rock gardens.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Slow grower; Evergreen.

Thymus praecox coccineus 'Creeping Red Thyme'
Creeping Red Thyme
Height: 3 cm (1")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Small red flowers appear in summer.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Great for rockeries; Mixed planters.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Thymus pseudolanuginosus 'Wolly thyme'
Woolly Thyme
Height: 2.5 cm (1")
Spread: 30 cm (12")
Soil: Prefers poor, dry, rocky soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Pink flowers.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 2-9 (hardy to -46°C or -50°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Between paving stones; Rock gardens.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Veronica Peduncularis (or Umbrosa) 'Georgia Blue'
Gerogia Blue Speedwell
Height: 10-15 cm (4-6")
Spread: 30-60 cm (12-24")
Soil: Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun to partial sun
Flowers: Masses of bright blue flowers
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -31°C or -23°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting, rock garden, ground cover
General Information: Drought tolerant, rabbit resistant; evergreen, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, seaside tolerant

Veronica whitleyi
Whitley's Speedwell
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 35-45 cm (14-18")
Soil: Moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: Smothered with bright blue flowers from May to June, then flowers lightly for the rest of the growing season.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Rock garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Vinca major 'Maculata'
Blue Buttons
Height: 45 cm (18")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Does well in average garden soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Flowers: Blue-violet flowers spring to fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-11 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Window boxes or tall containers.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Vinca major 'Variegata'
Greater Periwinkle
Height: 45 cm (18")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Does well in average garden soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Flowers: Blue-violet flowers spring to fall.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-11 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Window boxes or tall containers.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Vinca minor 'Atropurpurea'
Purple Periwinkle
Height: 15 cm (4")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Does well in average garden soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Flowers: Purple flowers entire growing season; Most intense flowering in spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-9 (hardy to -40°C or -40°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Add spring colour to garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Vinca minor 'Bowles' Blue'
Blue Periwinkle
Height: 15 cm (6")
Spread: 60-75 cm (24-30")
Soil: Does well in average garden soil.
Exposure: Full shade.
Flowers: Blue flowers all growing season; Most intense flowering in spring.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-9 (hardy to -34°C or -30°F)
Suggested Uses: Mass planting; Add spring colour to garden.
General Information: Drought tolerant; Deer resistant; Evergreen.

Pratia angulata
White Star Creeper
Height: 5-10 cm (2-4")
Spread: 30-40 cm (12-16")
Soil: Average garden soil.
Exposure: Full sun.
Flowers: White flowers early spring to fall frost.
Cold Hardiness: Zone 7-9 (hardy to -18°C or 0°F)
Suggested Uses: Along borders or pathways; Effective in containers; Hanging-baskets.
General Information: Spreads rapidly; Drought tolerant.